
Resoto is an Open Source CLI tool by someengineering that puts your entire cloud infrastructures inventory at your fingertips and also eases mundane cloud janitor tasks such as finding and deleting unused cloud resources across multiple AWS accounts (which could be costing the business an arm and a leg). To top it off, Resoto also enables you to document the cloud inventory for audit purposes in a pretty format.

How does Resoto work?

Resoto indexes the infrastructure resources of your AWS account(s) by capturing resource dependencies and mapping your entire Infrastructure in a graph database. This graph database can then be easily queried using Resoto’s powerful search syntax.

To list a few examples-

A. search is(aws_account)
Lookup AWS 12-digit account ID and name

B. search is(aws_ec2_instance) and age > 2year

Find EC2 instances older than 2 years

C. search is(aws_ec2_instance) and age > 10days and instance_status=running | count instance_type

Find running EC2 instances older than 10 days and print the output with instance type counts

D. search is(aws_ec2_instance) and /"ap-southeast-2" and instance_status=running|count instance_type

Find the EC2 instance type count filtered by AWS region ID

As demonstrated in the example above the Resoto search syntax makes it easy to look up cloud resources and save admin time previously spent writing and maintaining your own custom CLI scripts.

What makes up Resoto?

Resoto is made up of several components - including as Resoto Core, Resoto Worker, Resoto Metrics and Resoto Shell also, ArangoDB servers as the graph database backend.

So what does each component do? source

  • resotocore maintains the infrastructure graph.
  • resotoworker collects infrastructure data from the cloud provider APIs.
  • resotometrics exports metrics in Prometheus format.
  • resotoshell is the command-line interface (CLI) used to interact with Resoto.
  • resoto-plugins a collection of worker plugins

Bootstrap Resoto


Resoto can be installed using the following methods–

  1. Docker Compose
  2. Kubernetes
  3. Python pip package manager

Resoto website has detailed instructions on how to get started with the above methods

Deploy Resoto on EC2 using Terraform

For my own experimentation with Resoto, I have created a Terraform template to spin up Resoto on an EC2 Instance with an IAM Profile - I have Open Sourced this Project on Github at URL –> terraform-template-resoto

How to deploy Resoto on EC2 using Terraform

  1. git clone
  2. Export your AWS IAM Credentials
  3. Run terraform init
  4. terraform apply [-auto-approve]
  5. Once the deployment completes, Terraform will print an ssh command.
  6. SSH into the EC2 Instance using the command from the Terraform output.
  7. Run the following commands to access the Resoto Shell (if you installed Resoto via pip with install_method as local)
sudo su
cd /root
pre_shared_key=$(< ~/resoto/.pre-shared-key)
source ~/resoto/resoto-venv/bin/activate
resh --resotocore-uri https://localhost:8900 --psk "$pre_shared_key"

You will presented with the Resoto Shell prompt >

8 At the Resoto Shell prompt - run the following command config edit resoto.worker and set the collector to aws:

9 Once the config has been updated, Run the following command in the Resoto Shell to kick off resource and dependency collection.

workflow run collect

10 If this is your first collect run it can take few minutes for Resoto to collect the information. This job will run every hour to add/update new resource data collection.

11 To verify Resoto has successfully collected resource information by running search is(aws_account) , which prints your account information.

Whats next?

Browse through the official Resoto documentation which includes How to guides and examples to query the resources in your AWS Account. If you find Resoto valuable, please - Star ★ the Resoto Github repository to support the project

Resoto Community

Join the official Resoto Discord Server at to hang out with the Resoto dev team and other community members,including myself :)